zhejiang rongpeng air tools co.,ltd shuiquetou village,pengjie town,luqiao district,taizhou city,zhejiang Taizhou City Zhejiang 318057 China 電話:+86-576-82448401 傳真:+86-576-82456239
Company Web site 微網站首頁: http://zhejiang-rongpeng-air-t ools-co-ltd.allmetalworking.co m/
1. Built in 1998
2. Total staff from 1800 to 1300 now(TPS help)
3. Total 100,000 square meter manufacture base
4. 4 main series product ranges with over 300 models.
5.pneumatic tools air tools nailing and stapling and air spray gun manufactury,
zhejiang rongpeng air tools co.,ltd manufactures following products