New Tilt-Spindle Machining Center for Aero & Energy Parts Jun. 25, 2010MAG's modular HMC 1250/1600 Series will be exhibited at IMTS with a new 180,000-position A-axis tilt-spindle for 5-axis horizontal machining on large aerospace and energy parts. The HMS1250/1600 Series now includes six spindle options to suit special-purpose or... more
Titanium Aerospace Profiler Machines Monolithic Titanium Parts Jun. 10, 2010MAG introduces the HyperMach(TM) GTi series 5-axis titanium aerospace profiler at IMTS for efficient processing of large parts such as spars, bulkheads and door edge frames, or nested part groups. MAG will showcase a new HyperMach H4000 GTi at the ... more
CNC Lathe handles large oil and wind energy parts Apr. 20, 2010New Big Bore CNC lathe is big gun for oil and wind energy parts with 14-inch dia. spindle Big Bore VDF 800 DUS backs name with big specs: 17,600 lb part capacity, turning lengths up to 13.2 ft, 900 rpm max speed and 4,500 lb Z-axis cutting force... more